Thursday, October 8, 2009

Time to Wake Up!

It seems I'm beginning my fall wake-up cycle. This season is my favorite and sometimes I marvel at that fact since with it comes stiffened fingers, cold toes and the like. Like they say, this aging stuff isn't for sissies. Still, something about the wonderful colors, amazing scents and that quieting of nature as it prepares for a long winters sleep lifts me up.

The lovely sunflowers a dear friend brought to work to cheer my day, after losing my kitty buddy this month, have been magic to watch as they have moved from garden fresh to crispy and twisted. Striking in each stage, just as the seasons ahead will be. Hope you can get out there and enjoy it all!

1 comment:

  1. That's beautiful, Chris. It could easily be a painting or a tapestry...


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