Thursday, July 30, 2009


Like many of you, I'm drawn to creating characters. They usually originate from paper or fabric cuttings. Most aren't intricate or refined but seem to find themselves during the scissor snipping. That was the case with the girl above and with the characters in the studio header. The difference between them is the girls layers were done in cloth and the figures above were cut from medium weight black paper or vintage pages of music or salvaged un-repairable books. Those aging pages aren't always the best way to go for stability reasons. A full version of Stargirl (above) can be found on my website. This was a piece done a few years ago. Find time for something you love to do.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Seems like I have too many things I like to do and can't seem to get all the projects done before a new idea pops into my head...I know you can relate!


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